New Advisory Brings the Alcohol-Cancer Connection to the Forefront

Specialdocs ConsultantsHealthy Aging, Patient News

Alcohol and Cancer Risk Our year was off to a sobering start with the advisory on alcohol and cancer risk issued by the Surgeon General in January. The key points, which were concerning, and for at least half of Americans, seemingly unknown until now, included: A direct link was reported between alcohol consumption and higher risk for cancers of the …

Heart Health Update: All Roads Lead to Prevention

Specialdocs ConsultantsHealthy Aging, Patient News

Whether you’re a healthy 40-something with a family history of premature cardiac events, a 50-year-old mother who experienced a complicated pregnancy decades ago, or a 65-year-old man whose statin treatment has failed to lower high cholesterol levels, take heart in the growing arsenal of tests and therapies aimed at preventing disease. A long-time advocate for proactive, preventive cardiac care, Dara …

Truth or Dare: Staying Informed in an Age of Misinformation

Specialdocs ConsultantsPatient News

“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting its boots on.” * It’s not easy to cut through the clutter in our world of often viral misinformation and find irrefutable facts. Healthcare is especially prone to misinterpretation because the scientific method—developing, testing, experimenting and refining hypotheses—can seem imperfect but is fundamental to reaching a …

spread of healthy food

The New Holiday Plate: Healthy, Wholesome, and Welcoming For All

Specialdocs ConsultantsNutrition, Patient News

As dietary restrictions become more commonplace (an estimated 10% of Americans have a food allergy, another 5% are vegetarian or vegan), serving a holiday meal that satisfies a diversity of diners may seem intimidating. Below we show some easy ways to deconstruct or reconstruct your dishes to give everyone – whether they’re heart-healthy, diabetic, gluten-sensitive, lactose-intolerant, nut-free or plant-forward – …

Smiling group of people of different ages

A Welcome Change: Mental Health Issues Lose Their Stigma at Every Age

Specialdocs ConsultantsMental Health, Patient News

From unmentionable to oft discussed, American attitudes toward mental health have made a seismic shift over the years. It’s heartening to see recent polls showing 87% of U.S. adults agree having a mental health disorder is nothing to be ashamed of, and 86% saying people with mental health disorders can get better. Seeking help from a therapist has become normalized, …

asian girl having fun to learn about vegetables with happiness

Mental Health in Children

Specialdocs ConsultantsMental Health, Patient News

Age of Innocence – Or Anxiety for Today’s Kids? From loud claps of thunder to dogs that can bite, a child’s world is filled with new, sometimes scary experiences. However, if fears can’t be managed with reassurance or distraction and persistently interfere with daily activities, your child may have an anxiety disorder. These most common childhood mental health disorders are …

Mental Health in Adolescent & Young Adults

Specialdocs ConsultantsMental Health, Patient News

Drugs, Drinking & Depression: The Kids May Not Be Alright Every generation has seen their share of thrill-seeking teens acting out and making dubious choices regarding drugs and alcohol. “There’s a normative aspect to risk taking at this age,” assures clinical psychologist Gilly Kahn. “It’s hardwired into our systems to allow us to learn our place in the world.” In …

Teens & Social Media

Specialdocs ConsultantsMental Health, Patient News

In Real Life (IRL), Can We Protect Teens from the Emotional Impact of Social Media? YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, X, Reddit, BeReal. A majority of American teens visit these social media platforms at least once daily, and 30% say they are on them almost constantly. Their ubiquity is unquestionable, and teens’ connection with them seemingly unshakeable, but the …

Teens & Social Media

Specialdocs ConsultantsMental Health, Patient News

In Real Life (IRL), Can We Protect Teens from the Emotional Impact of Social Media? YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, X, Reddit, BeReal. A majority of American teens visit these social media platforms at least once daily, and 30% say they are on them almost constantly. Their ubiquity is unquestionable, and teens’ connection with them seemingly unshakeable, but the …

Portrait of senior woman lifting weights with classmates at the gym

A Scientific Approach to Getting Healthier as You Get Older

Specialdocs Consultants, LLCHealthy Aging, Patient News

It’s not yet possible to stop the passage of years, but it might well be within our sights to combat the effects of aging, according to Michael Greger, MD, internationally recognized lifestyle medicine physician, author and nutritionist. Synthesizing years of research on the essential pathways of aging, Dr. Greger believes the process can be slowed down with lifestyle changes, and …